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Men Off The Beach is what Daniel titled this Men’s Retreat. No matter how diligently and sincerely we try to live like Jesus wants us to, we all get beached. Like sick whales. Like fallen-asleep-getting-sunburnt tourists. Stuck. Tired. Frustrated. And worse. Much worse.
Even though we feel all alone-like no one else would understand (sympathize)-we struggle with the same sorts of thoughts, feelings and temptations. Things like anger, pride, legalism, self-pity, control, screwy notions about “providing,” and what it means to be “right.”
So Men, you are invited to a very frank discussion group about our “stuff.” It isn’t easy to get a beached whale back into the water. But the whale will have it even less easy if it remains on the sand. In fact, that’s all it will be-remains.
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